1. Search for the web font you would like to use: Once you’ve found and selected it, a small black bar will appear
Read moreEmail QA scripts
// Copy and paste each block into browser developer console or Sublime regex find/replace // ALT tester — displays the ALT text of images instead
Read moreSchedule an Appointment email using SOAP API
%%[ SET @EventDate = Format(Now(),"MMddyyyy") var @xml SET @xml = XML_Feed SET @rowSET = BuildRowsetFromXml(@xml, "//Record",1) SET @FamilyTotal = Rowcount(@rowset) If not empty(@FamilyTotal) then
Read moreSchedule an Appointment SMS using Data Extension
%%[ Set @EmailDE ="5-9_NVNS_Master" Set @SendDate = Format(Now(),"MMddyyyy") Set @CampaignID = Concat(@Campaign,@SendDate) Set @utmSource = "AdHoc" Set @utmCampaign = "Capacity" Set @utmMedium = "SMS" Set
Read moreSchedule an Appointment email using Data Extension
%%[ Set @EmailDE = "5-22_Master" Set @SubjectLine ="It’s time to schedule a check-up for your family! Schedule online now." Set @Preheader =
Read moreSchedule an Appointment SMS using SOAP API
SMS Schedule Appointment with Phone Number %%[ VAR @xml, @rowset, @row, @FamilyTotal, @MessageId, @HOHid, @mobile, @MessageBody SET @xml = XML_Feed SET @rowset = BuildRowsetFromXml(@xml, "//Record",1)
Read moreRemove Blue Links
/* Remove Blue Links on Apple Devices */ a[x-apple-data-detectors] { color: inherit !important; text-decoration: none !important; font-size: inherit !important; font-family: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important;
Read moreGit commands
Create a new repository Create a new directory, open it and perform a git init to create a new git repository. Checkout a repository Create
Read moreHamburger menu
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <!–[if !mso]><!–> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <!–<![endif]–>
Read moreHow to break an email
Outlook Outlook 2007, or more specifically the Word engine, has a document length limit of 23.7 inches, or around 1800 pixels. When the email hits
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